How To Professionally Clean Tile, Grout And Ceramic? (2022)

How To Perform Tile, Grout, and Ceramic Cleaning?

Let’s start with equipment: Depending on the circumstances, professional cleaners have both a powerful portable extractor or industry-specific truck-mounted equipment available. Both perform at the same level and use just water and vacuum extraction along with gentle machine was or hand scrubbing when needed. The water jets glide along in a smooth plastic-based housing that keeps the water inside (no overspray) so it gently cleans the surfaces while the vacuum immediately removes the water. The detergents are PH Balanced which leaves your Tile, Grout, and Ceramic floors dry, residue-free, and shiny. Dry times are minimal (1-2 hours), allowing you to use the surfaces quickly. Specialized sealers are also available to ensure your grout Stays Like New!

How To Remove The Worst Tile Stain?

All fabrics and surfaces should be pre-inspected before cleaning to ensure you will be aware of the outcome of the job.

Professional cleaners use the most powerful industry-specific truck-mounted equipment, that uses just water and vacuum extraction along with gentle machine or hand scrubbing and PH balanced detergents to ensure your tile is left dry, residue-free, and shiny.  The water jets glide along in a smooth plastic-based housing that keeps the water inside (no overspray) so it gently cleans the surfaces while the vacuum immediately removes the water.  Dry times are minimal (1-2 hours), allowing you to use the surfaces quickly. Specialized sealers are also available to ensure your grout stays Like New! Basic repairs are also available.

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